Baton Twirling Sport Association of Ireland(BTSAI)

Annual Board Assurance Statement to Sport Ireland

Governance Code for Sport

(Type A Organisation)

PART A – Principles of the Governance Code for Sport

Leading our Organisation

1. The Board of BTSAI, confirms that it has agreed the organisation’s purpose, and objectives.

Exercising Control Over our Organisation

2. The Board of BTSAI confirms that it has identified, and complies with, all its relevant legal and

regulatory requirements.

3. The Board confirms that the requirements of sub-principle 2.2 of the Governance Code for

Sport in relation to appropriate internal financial and management controls are being

complied with.

The key control procedures which have been put in place by the Board, to provide effective

internal financial control are as follows:

a. The Board monitors income and expenditure against budget and cash-flow on a

regular basis

b. A yearly report on income and expenditure is prepared

4. The Board has agreed a yearly plan to deal with major risks.

Being transparent and accountable

5. The Board has ensured that BTSAI’s annual activity report are widely available and easy to

access on the organisation’s website and elsewhere.

Working Effectively

6. The Board has ensured that all Board members and sub-committee members are familiar with

the Governance Code for Sport and the organisation’s governing documents.

7. The Board confirms that it has reviewed in the last 12 months the way it works and identified

potential improvements.

Behaving with Integrity

8. The Board confirms that a code of conduct/guidelines for board members has been put in

place that outlines the expected standards of behaviour and which includes clear guidelines

on the receipt of gifts and hospitality and Board confidentiality. Board members have signed

a commitment to the Code of Conduct.

9. The Board confirms that it has developed a policy on ‘conflicts of interest’ and ‘conflicts of

loyalty’ and the requirements of the Governance Code for Sport in relation to conflicts of

interest and loyalty are being complied with.


PART B Assurance Statement – Exception Report

Please provide details of any significant control issues that are likely to affect compliance with the

Governance Code for Sport and/or delivery against policies, aims and objectives. If applicable, please

also record reasons why the information provided in the Assurance Statement was not unanimously

agreed by Board members.

PART C Governance Code for Sport

1. The Board of BTSAI understands that adoption of the Governance Code for Sport is a key

action within the Government’s National Sports Policy, and is a requirement under Sport

Ireland’s Terms and Conditions of Grant Investment.

2. A core feature of the Governance Code for Sport is that it is principles based. The Board

understands that adherence to the Code is on a self-assessed basis by each organisation.

Each year the Board must self-assess its practices against those recommended in this Code

to ensure that it is still compliant. The Board of BTSAI understands that it must maintain a

Compliance Record Form on file that attests and evidences the compliance with the

practices of the Code.

3. The Board of BTSAI confirms to Sport Ireland that the Governance Code for Sport has been

adopted and is being complied with. Any areas not being complied with are listed and

explained within the included BTSAI’s Comply or Explain Form, last updated at a Board

meeting on 31ST August 2022.


PART D Acknowledgement of Ownership

1. The Board of BTSAI acknowledges its collective responsibility for the effective management of

the organisation, including managing and monitoring the financial and other resources, key

risks, and compliance with the Governance Code for Sport.


2. The responses given above were agreed by the Board of BTSAI at a Board meeting on 31st

August 2022. Any areas of contention are detailed within Part B (Exception Report) above

and/or Part C (attached Comply or Explain Form).


Signed: Bernadette Doyne (wet signature with Sport Ireland)

Chair, on behalf of the Board

Date:     10th July 2023